Austrian court says convicted rapist Josef Fritzl can be moved to prison from psychiatric detention

Time:2024-06-03 19:42:20Source:Global Gleam news portal

BERLIN (AP) — Austrian judges have ruled that a man who kept his daughter captive for 24 years, raped her thousands of times and fathered seven children with her, can be moved from psychiatric detention to a regular prison, a court said Tuesday.

The decision on Monday was the latest in a legal back-and-forth on Josef Fritzl’s future.

The state court in the town of Krems said in a statement that the 89-year-old can be moved as he no longer poses the kind of danger that requires keeping him in psychiatric detention. The decision was based on an April 30 hearing with Fritzl, as well as reports by forensic and psychiatric experts.

Because of Fritzl’s advancing dementia and physical decline, psychiatric detention is no longer necessary for his “combined personality disorder” as there is no longer a danger of Fritzl committing serious crimes, the court said.

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